Thursday 12 May 2011

Tutorial Eight: Assistive Technology

"Assistive technology (AT) can be defined as any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities" (What is assistive..., n.d.). My understanding is that assistive technology can be anything from wheelchairs to computers to hearing aids and everything in between. It is basically anything which allows an individuals limitations to be overcome by aid of a device.

One piece of assisstive technology introduced in the assistive technology tutorial is the Ipad. This is a device which has taken the world by storm, it is very small and very thin in order for the easy transportation and cost around $800.00. It allows the user to do may things depending on the applications they have loaded onto the Ipad. Most useful is that the Ipad can be used for surfing the internet, taking photographs, reading, writing, listening to music, the list goes on.

Because the Ipad is touch screen it can be much easier to use for someone with limited hand funcion as they do not have to press small buttons as they would on a computer/laptop keyboard. It can also overcome access problems if someone is unable to get somewhere to use a computer the Ipad is completely transportable. It also provides zoom and voiceover for those with visual and auditory impairments.

The following YouTube video gives a great example of how the Ipad has helped in rehabilitation. This example is of a speech language therapist using the Ipad to help a stroke patient communicate with other people as he has difficulty speaking.


What is assistive technology, (n.d.). Retrieved 11 May, 2011, from

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